Lakewood Bankruptcy Lawyers

Lacey Bankruptcy Lawyers are standing by to assist you through the process of filing for bankruptcy Chapter 13 or Chapter 7. The bankruptcy filing decision process involves looking at your financial big picture and determining which type of bankruptcy makes sense for you.

There most common types of bankruptcy are Chapter 7 and Chapter 13. Here in Lakewood Washington, you must be able to qualify for one or the other before moving forward. It all depends on the amount of debt you have, your disposable income, and ultimately the bankruptcy court’s approval to move forward.

The main reason you want to look into filing for bankruptcy in Washington is to get relief from the creditors who use aggressive collection practices. Our clients know how it feels to go from dealing with creditors on a daily basis to only having to receive an update from their Bankruptcy Attorney.

The main goal of bankruptcy is to give you a financial “fresh start” with enough of your property to move forward in life. Once the bankruptcy process is started, the “Automatic Stop” prevents any further collection efforts from happening. This means that as soon as you file, the phone calls and letters will cease.

This incredibly powerful tool is at your disposal right now, but first we need to determine which type of bankruptcy you qualify for. That’s why we offer a Free Case Evaluation, without cost or obligation to you!

For most people thinking about Bankruptcy in Washington, there are two types bankruptcy that can be considered. The first is a Chapter 7, which eliminates the most common kinds of debt, like credit cards and medical bills. This makes the process fast and trouble-free, and there are no payments to worry about either. Keep in mind having valuable property and being over the average income in Washington could hinder you from moving forward with Chapter 7.

Chapter 13 bankruptcy in Washington is there to restructure your debt and repay all or part of it over a period of three to five years. Lakewood residents are allowed to consolidate many types of debt into one monthly payment, including back mortgage payments, car loans, back taxes and child support.

Filing for bankruptcy in Lakewood Washington is often the most affordable way of dealing with crushing debt. Whether you qualify for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy, stop worrying about calls at work and harassing creditor collection efforts. Call (253) 591-9191 to speak with one of our Lakewood Bankruptcy Attorneys for a free case consultation.